Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Stalls and Markets

One of my favourite ways to advertise Gametag has been through stalls and markets. For Gametag it has been, that personal face to face contact with customers that has given us our best results and leads.  I can demonstrate how it works and people can see first hand exactly how durable and unique our product is. They can instantly see the advantages of having Gametag on their children's Nintendo DS's.  I have posted some photos of our stalls and markets below.

Oh did I mention how much fun it is!  I usually have some of my family members and friends helping me and it is a laugh a minute!!!! Our favourite stall was The Sydney Royal Easter Show 2011 so many members of our family gave us their time. I will be posting some Easter show photos shortly..... it really was a hoot! 

Centro Shopping Centre Bankstown 2010

Children's Festival 2010

The Kings Art Show Market with my friend from Kindy Yvonne helping out.

The Sydney Royal Easter Show 2011!!! Hard work but so much fun!!

Monday, 22 August 2011

Advertising & Editorials

We continued to advertise and some of the best advertising was by way of reviews on Gametag and how I came to invent Gametag take a look at some of those. The Melbourne AGE - Green Guide, Woman's Day, our local paper The Torch, Take 5 magazine, The Sunday Telegraph, Street Corner, The Gamesmen, Jetstar inflight Magazine, Womens Weekly and That's Life.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Sydney Morning Herald - Aussie mum's kitchen table games empire

14th October 2010 Asher Moses from the SMH wrote the most wonderful article about Gametag and how I had come to invent Gametag. I had sent samples of Gametag to the editor hoping someone would pick it up.  Asher's article appeared the day after the Chilean Miners were released following their 69 days trapped underground and the same day Shane Warne launched his clothing range.

That night when I turned my computer on hundreds and hundreds of emails flooded in.  It was a very surreal experience.

To read the article go to


Tuesday, 9 August 2011

It all began Boxing Day 2008


Resources at Christmas are always stretched and Christmas 2008 was no different, our children were expecting brand name presents and top of their list was DS games. The children know the importance of looking after the games as they, along with my husband and I, had spent hours looking for games that had been misplaced on previous occasions and not always were the games found.

Early Boxing day I entered the lounge room to find the games and their boxes, new and old, spread all over the patterned carpet and not a child in sight. After the initial thought of catching the culprit and venting my anger I decided that would not solve the problem of loose lost games and I needed to come up with a device that would prevent this from ever occurring again.

Marvellous what can be achieved in a desperate situation, I raided my husbands desk, the children’s art and craft boxes, every drawer in the kitchen and anywhere else I could find something that would allow the games to be played while still remaining securely attached to one another and eventually arrived at a prototype of the Gametag™.

Then the most amazing thing happened, other parents saw the device and wanted to know where we purchased it, this went on for several weeks before we realised we might be onto something and with encouragement from family and friends decided to refine the original product, patent and trademark it.

Many hours were spent researching the tag, the adhesion had to be reliable and sturdy enough to withstand the constant use it would be subjected to, we sourced samples from all over the world and immediately put them to the test, we very quickly weeded out any that would not stand the test of time and for want of a better word the abuse that comes with children and DS games.

Thank you for your time Janene.
The inventor of GAMETAG™ and mother of four from Bankstown, Sydney, Australia.